lunes, 1 de agosto de 2011

Restless times

Doesn´t it seem to you that history is getting faster and faster? Don´t you think that technical advances are changing by the minute? Isn´t true that what it looked impossible to change could now dissapear in a second? As examples:

- Almost ten years ago we suffered the views of the Twin Towers falling down in NY. This was an excuse for the Afganistan war, Irak invasion, the execution of Sadam Hussein and the other day the killing of Osama Bin Laden by the Americans.

- The other day, as sort of speak, if we wanted to share a file to be modified (like data bases), we had to save the changes and close it in a shared net, so the colleague could make his/her own changes in his/her computer. Now there´s no need for a specific computer: two or more people can work at the same time with a file, withouth the shared net. This will be the dead of pendrives... And this is only an example: I haven´t mentioned the changes in the use of the portables/cells in this last four or five years...

- Many of the Muslim political regimes have been an average of 20 years without anyone or anything put an obstacle in their decisions, even when they have attacked their own people. The awaken consciousness, the long suffering and, why not saying, the people´s conexion through social network have facilitated that a regime so settled than the Egyptian has been wiped away... Well, we don´t know yet the outcome. We hope is for a good reason...

On May 15th there has been a joint demonstration in more than 54 cities in Spain. The main slogan has been the indignation that people feel for bankers and polititians. The reason? Because they treat people as merchandising. Youngsters (and not so) have nothing to lose for many reasons: many have no jobs, others with unstable jobs, no possesions to lose but with the willing of changing the situation and become Islanders. I haven´t been able to participate in the Santa Cruz de Tenerife´s demonstration but I´m glad to know that lots of people went and just a few decided to act like a fool...

And in a week, here in Spain we will celebrate municipal and local elections. All around the country, the biggest political parties are fighting for their domains, as if they are the only ones. I want to believe that time is changing, that it should change: we have to break this bipolar way of making politics that we have been suffering from the beginning of our democracy. Many more people are not conviced by the slogans like "give me the chance to govern, because those in power are to blame for the situation", nor "give us more time to see that everything will improve". No fighting arguments, no defensive ones: many of us think "Enough is enough!". I think that our responsibility as possible voters should be to be informed of the alternatives and decide the following:

- To vote any other option apart from the main political parties (and, in the Canary Islands I would also include in the black list another party that has Canary in its name: in other words, those parties that have the power).

- To choose a non-valid vote, what brings the occasion to show your discontent, making your decision useless for any political party.

- Vote without ballot in the envelope, an option that brings your vote to the most voted political party (I personally don´t recommend this option but it´s there to choose).

What I don´t want to do next May 22nd is stayning home and let others to decide: I want to have the cance to complaint in case the polititians we chose don´t do what they promised. It´s true, we live on a disillusionment time but our patience has a limit. Time are restless and I´m not afraid: the ones that have lots to lose are...

(First published on May 15th 2011 on